2008年10月21日 星期二

Taipei ask :wheres courage?

Dear Catherine

After the hospital day, doctor say theirs nothing wrong on my liver, they can’t tell the reason why my eyes turn to yellow. Probably its does not that matter, so don’t worry about it. I’m fine.

Same as here, this week is terrible busy, one day I almost over time till 9o’colck. At the same time, my midterm is coming also. I’d better manage my time well.
In MS, sometime they told me to do some lousy work, like sending DM, copy stuff…I have to say that I don’t like it, but there is nobody can do this thing but only me….I just complaining, forget about that. I still like MS. I suppose to make this year more worthy, and try to find my own way to develop the capacity. (my capacity is really weak!)

My three day holidays are not really special, one day I went home to meet my family. Second day I went to another part time job at a historical spot named Zong Shang Hall. (中山堂) do you know that?? And the last day I was the recorder to the Board of director meeting of Microsoft student program organization.

I have to say that recently I am very upset without any reason. You know…it’s happened on anyone. It’s hard to describe, the emotion is a little bit like you just break up with you boy friend after one month or like the feeling that you just know your far dream cant be realized. Don’t know what to do, unsatisfied, and a little bit empty. Anyway, I try to make my life more fun and ask my friend to give me some tasks. Following are the tasks from my friend Tina.
- lose 3kg. (I getting heavier this half year)
-reject people asking. (cus I always spent much more time for help my friend and never try to treat myself nicer.)
- pretend you are another person per two weeks. (Ex. pretend you are a foreigner woke at Taiwan, or you are a lesbian…something like that…)
The duration is from Oct 20 to Nov 20. Maybe it can make my stable life more fun.

Reading you this e mail makes me feel complicated. Am I strong enough facing the challenge? I love arts and culture things, but that’s only my interest. There is much more people are more professional than me. Is that easy to make up the gap between us? What if the interest becomes the career and everything is not that much wonderful… Every time when I think about this, I always told myself “don’t worry. You still have a lot of time.” Although I know it’s not quit true.

It’s weird, I never tell people this thing but I wrote it all to you. maybe the reason is we never meet and we don’t have any mutual friends, so I can tell you without any scruple. Another reason I guess is because I’m typing English than Chinese. It makes me like change to another people who can be honest and say anything directly.

I wish you in Microsoft can move to a next step soon, the new place always make people feel challenging and excited. Isn’t it?


