2008年10月21日 星期二

Taipei ask :wheres courage?

Dear Catherine

After the hospital day, doctor say theirs nothing wrong on my liver, they can’t tell the reason why my eyes turn to yellow. Probably its does not that matter, so don’t worry about it. I’m fine.

Same as here, this week is terrible busy, one day I almost over time till 9o’colck. At the same time, my midterm is coming also. I’d better manage my time well.
In MS, sometime they told me to do some lousy work, like sending DM, copy stuff…I have to say that I don’t like it, but there is nobody can do this thing but only me….I just complaining, forget about that. I still like MS. I suppose to make this year more worthy, and try to find my own way to develop the capacity. (my capacity is really weak!)

My three day holidays are not really special, one day I went home to meet my family. Second day I went to another part time job at a historical spot named Zong Shang Hall. (中山堂) do you know that?? And the last day I was the recorder to the Board of director meeting of Microsoft student program organization.

I have to say that recently I am very upset without any reason. You know…it’s happened on anyone. It’s hard to describe, the emotion is a little bit like you just break up with you boy friend after one month or like the feeling that you just know your far dream cant be realized. Don’t know what to do, unsatisfied, and a little bit empty. Anyway, I try to make my life more fun and ask my friend to give me some tasks. Following are the tasks from my friend Tina.
- lose 3kg. (I getting heavier this half year)
-reject people asking. (cus I always spent much more time for help my friend and never try to treat myself nicer.)
- pretend you are another person per two weeks. (Ex. pretend you are a foreigner woke at Taiwan, or you are a lesbian…something like that…)
The duration is from Oct 20 to Nov 20. Maybe it can make my stable life more fun.

Reading you this e mail makes me feel complicated. Am I strong enough facing the challenge? I love arts and culture things, but that’s only my interest. There is much more people are more professional than me. Is that easy to make up the gap between us? What if the interest becomes the career and everything is not that much wonderful… Every time when I think about this, I always told myself “don’t worry. You still have a lot of time.” Although I know it’s not quit true.

It’s weird, I never tell people this thing but I wrote it all to you. maybe the reason is we never meet and we don’t have any mutual friends, so I can tell you without any scruple. Another reason I guess is because I’m typing English than Chinese. It makes me like change to another people who can be honest and say anything directly.

I wish you in Microsoft can move to a next step soon, the new place always make people feel challenging and excited. Isn’t it?



Seattle repeat: Ur definitely not alone


It was wonderful to hear from youJ I hope that everything is going well – how is your health? I am very worried about you that you went to the hospital. Please keep me updated about what happened!

Things have been busy for me lately (mid-month and month end is always busy time for us since we do the finance support for closing activities)… how is your job going? How was your holiday (I believe 10.10 was Taiwan National Day?)? Did you do anything special with your friends and/or family?

I am still trying to figure out my traveling plans to Taiwan, but will give you update as soon as I have figured out what my plans are. I will stay in Taipei for probably one week, maybe I should visit Microsoft of Taipei. I was supposed to come last year during my business travel but I never got the chance to since my schedule was too busyL Well, I will definitely let you know what my plans are once I figure out my schedule~

I completely understand what you mean when you start to wonder about your job and whether you are doing the right thing. I think that everyone thinks that way and you are definitely not alone. For me, I would say that my general thought is that if you are learning something new in your job and enjoying it, then you are building your experience. Once you have reached the “natural capacity” for a few months (in other words, you have learned everything there is to learn and there really is no room for growth) then I would definitely think about moving onto something new and try something different. I think that when you are young, it is important to try many different things to find out what you like – as we grow older our focuses change and we start to focus on having more stability (getting married, having families, taking care of our elderly parents). Therefore, it’s very important to try new things when we are younger…. Otherwise it will be too late. So when you mention that you are too late to change and find another degree, I actually don’t think that is the case. In fact, on average, a person will have 10 different careers (which means changing the job) in their working life. So, think about what you really want to do go for it, and remember to have fun!

For me, I have been in the same job for 2 years now and have been discussing with my manager about trying something different within Microsoft. I really like what I do, but as I mentioned above (I should take my own advice, right? J ) I have learned almost everything I know in this position and that is when I know it is time to think about doing other things.

Haha, but please don’t tell them that! ~ I can have the feeling that we get along really well – it will be nice to finally meet in person soon.

Catherine Bedeski

2008年10月8日 星期三

From Taipei:Same question.


It's great to know that you'll back to Taiwan and we can meet up this Christmas time. Are you going to stay at Taipei and how long are you plan to stay? Will you visit Microsoft of Taipei? I'm looking forward to see you.

About my job, thank you for your encouragement. However, the situation are really similar to your mention, it's hard to have any impact here. At the same time, I'm wondering why some people can stuck on their job without any contribution or few contribution? Catherine, I'd like to know that do you like your job and why are you wanted to be here? (Sounds like interview…) Be honest, I have to say that one of my motivation to take this internship just because of the Microsoft trade mark. Sometime I can persuade myself in "I just want to have a working experience in a big company", but sometime in the deep side of my heart I'm confuse about that "am I compromise to the society?"

Anyway, I known as a student you have few choices but accumulate your experience. Now I keep my attitude to "be an intern who can help my boss to let everything go smoothly and get ready in every minute; try to leave some useful experience here." It's that better?

Actually, I still not decide a specific country for my abroad internship. Cuz I want to pick a job description and the country at the same time. "Nicer job in the acceptable country or the acceptable job in the nice country" I still not sure how to balance that. Thank you for your reminding, I should figure out that.

The master degree I'll definitily study in the major I like. I'm sure that I won't be in the trade to study MBA. (But I did made a stupid mistake to study law.) It's still hard to tell, I think the abroad internship will change my view. Anyway, that's a nice remind as well.

2 days ago the white sides of my eyes suddenly change to the yellow color. I'm absolute terrified and went to hospital immediately. They draw my blood twice and take an exam, its hurt. The first report tells me I'm ok, but the doctor sure that's probably my liver's problem and insists that I have to take an ultrasonic in case. So I'm going to take an ultrasonic next Tue and I'm very nervures for that. Am I drink too much…..hummm…:P

How's other mentee? Are you having a nice communication with them? =)

Thank you for your e mail. That always let me feel you are really passion on mentoring and really want to help me.


2008年10月7日 星期二

From Seattle : Make a choice.


That sounds perfect – I think that email will work great due to the time difference J Also, I want let you know that there is possibility I may go back to Taiwan for a few days (vacation) this Christmas and think it would be great to meet in person! I will let you know though since I have not made any plans yet. FYI, I copied my gmail account (personal account) so that I can check during the email during the weekend too. Going forward, let’s correspond through my gmail.

Regarding your job, I think that most jobs are repetitive to a certain extent. There are certain tasks in every job that I have had, which I would absolutely dread coming to work for – don’t worry, you are not alone. I understand that it gets pretty frustrating to do the same thing over and over again… and it’s even worse when you don’t feel that your work is recognized or appreciated. Since you asked your boss for more responsibility and he didn’t seem very eager to give you any work, I encourage you to think about the following things:

1) Look for areas in your current job that you can optimize or make some process change to make work faster. Is there something that is currently done, that you think could be done differently and actually make things better? Once you have recognized this, do some work on proving why your proposal would make things better (faster, more efficient, easier, more simple etc.) and bring this forward to your boss.

2) Be on the lookout for extra work which needs to get done and be prepared to volunteer. Sometimes, you need to look for a need that matches your interests (project that manager/director needs) and be the first one to fill that need – almost like create your own jobJ

3) Finally, recognize that every job that we do is just a transition period and it helps us get to get the experience we need. Ultimately, this helps us get to where we ultimately want to get – think of it as a stepping stone which brings us one step closer to our final destination

One last word of advice – I truly believe that after you have worked with your boss for a while, I think he will have more trust in you and naturally will give you more responsibility. This takes time, so be patient and it will comeJ Just show him that you work hard and are very eager to learn and try new things.

I think that’s great that you have a plan regarding internship in a different country. Which countries are you seriously thinking about? Why did you choose those countries? I think you should start thinking about learning the local language of the country you are thinking about going to. Regarding your masters degree, what type of masters are you thinking about? Hope the above helps! Have a great week!


Catherine Bedeski

2008年10月2日 星期四

From Taipei : Well....I dont like risky . mmm...am i???

Oct. 03. 2008

Hello Catherine,

About this term of communication I thought, basically I'll write you e-mail once a week or more. Because of the time differences, I prefer e- mail will be our main communication way, but the content of e-mail I still not sure maybe share the problem I meet. IM chat is also great for me, except the daily random chat, maybe we can plan to have a regular IM chat for some topic like life tracking or sharing some concept for something. I'm also available for phone call as well. And if you back to Taiwan someday, I definitely want to meet you. =) And please feel free if there have another better suggestion for our communications.

I can feel that you are a kind of woman I want to be…ha ha, nice career, diversity life, and makes your days good and comfortable.

However about my job, I think I get stuck on it. I don't have a heavy workload, and my work is too easy for me, same thing in everyday. I feel bored indeed. And I did try to ask my boss to offer me more duty, but he reject me In the tricky way…(you know eastern people always like to use another way to express that… ) I guess the reason is my contract is only for one year…hummm…..

About to going abroad, I prefer to go to center, eastern, northern Europe or Latin America for my next internship, usually people won't be there right?...I think to have an working experience there is quiet cool. After that I do thought about to go to Northern America to get my Master degree. I'll plan for that.

I have another Taiwanese mentor; he is a manager in PSG department named Brain. Although Brain is really busy for his job, he still helps me a lot. After you contact me, I just found out that sometimes something is just only can share with girls. Thank you again for you picked me. Ha ha

Sandra Ma

From Washington.D. C. : Ooops...Structure plaese???

Oct. 03. 2008


Thank you for your introduction - I am very happy and honored to be your mentor. My promise to you is that I will do my best to help you and guide you in whatever way you need so I hope we can have open and honest communication J First of all though, please let me know what your expectation is in terms of communication. Would you prefer to have phone conversations? Email? IM chat? I’m not sure what your schedule is, so you need to let me know when and how frequent(once a week, bi-weekly, once a month) you wish to have communication. Once we determine that, we can start thinking about structure and topic of our conversations.

Even though our backgrounds are different, it sounds like our interests are similar. I am also very interested in arts and culture – I took private violin lessons for thirteen years and took voice lessons for three years. I’ve also done dance (ballet, jazz, hip hop, ballroom) and even though English is my first language, I also speak other languages – Japanese(I lived in Japan as a teenager), French (I went to French school in Canada) and Chinese. Interestingly enough, our job sounds a little similar too. We can probably talk more about that during our phone meeting but it sounds like we both deal with $’s and manufacturers.

I’m so happy to hear you are thinking of coming abroad later. Have you ever considered coming to USA or Canada for your internship? Or maybe you prefer to go to Europe, since that is more closely related with arts and culture. Let me know what your thoughts are on that!


Catherine Bedeski

From Taipei: will she change her mind for being my mentor?


Dear mentor

It's very glad to receive your E-mail. I AM ADOPTED!!!wow~~! And I do think this mentorship will be really helpful as well. =)

Let me introduce myself briefly, now I'm 23 years old and the last year in my university life. Although my major is a Law, I don't like it very much, not to mention to be a lawyer or pass the national exam and working for the government. I'm more interesting for the arts and culture things. So far, to be an agency for arts or have my own gallery is the way I heading to. (But some time I'm very easy to change my mind or get persuade…ah ha)

In Microsoft, I'm belonging to the SBC team of OEM department. My main job description is do the statistic for the performance of dealers and help them to get their money rebate.

The contract of Microsoft Student Program is only until next year end of June. If everything is smooth going, I plan to go to another internship abroad through the organization named AIESEC. And I'd like to go some special country like Poland, Romania, Czech and so on.

I'd like to say that I'm very glad to be your mentee, I know my background and expectation for my future are not exactly match on your background. But for me, I think it is great to achieve and share many things with people in different area, some time it will have a result which is out of your expect. So... if you don't mind to be my mentor, I'll be happy for it. =)


Sandra Ma

From Washington D. C.: Will she be my mentee?



My name is Catherine Bedeski and I am a member of TAIME in MSFT USA. I am actually half Taiwanese and half American but moved to Canada with my parents when I was a child. I received a Bachelor of Engineering Degree and MBA both from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. My first job after school was in the leading Canadian telecommunication company as a Business Analyst working on process improvements. I then joined E&D division at MSFT and have been on the same team for 2 years. I am heavily focused on managing finished good pricing on three lines of business (Zune, xBox and Surface) and true-up processes in support of the Zune and Surface manufacturing and procurement teams. I also deal with xBox returned parts.

I am extremely passionate about this mentorship program, having mentored two other students last year. After my past experiences, I truly believe that we can learn a lot from each other and I will do my best to help you grow and achieve. I hope you feel our background is a good match – if it is not, please let me know and let you find another mentor.

Please feel free to add me to MSN messenger: XXXX @hotmail.com


Catherine Bedeski