2008年11月21日 星期五

From Seattle: i'll call you


Apologies for writing such a short email but I am leaving on my trip tonight to Vietnam and Taiwan and things are very busy at work. I will respond to your email below at a later time or we can talk in person. :)

Which brings me to one important point – Grace @ MSFT emailed me regarding 11/29 and visiting MSFT Taiwan. She says we will be having dinner together with many students. Let me know if you would like to meet before the event. Also, please make sure that you copy my personal email (will not have access to my work email while I am gone) : XXXXXXXXXXx@hotmail.com or XXXXXXXXXX@gmail.com

I will try to make some contact with you once I arrive in Taiwan. I have your phone number and MSN IM but just in case, here is my flight information so you know my schedule. I will be going to southern Taiwan (Kaoshiung) for the first two days(11/26-11/28) and arrive back in Taipei Friday 11/28. I will be staying at Hotel 73 for the nights of 12/28, 12/29 and 12/30. Please feel free to share my information with Grace @ MSFT if she needs it.

Here is hotel website for contact information:

Here is my airline schedule:

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Catherine Bedeski
